I have been a “cool kid” who has worn glasses since second grade… yet every time I get a new prescription it is amazing how clear everything seems again… and how much I didn’t notice the blurriness the day before.

Life has afforded me incredible opportunities to travel to places of the world where people live a life much different than the privileged first world life I live in every day. I will never forget how crisp and clear my fresh lenses were the first time I traveled to Africa… and as I return from my 4th trip there my change in prescription feels just as incredibly dramatic as the first time. My new lenses allow me to see the world from brand new angles, challenge my view on what is feasible and see firsthand the unimaginable struggles of humans and overwhelming resilience of the human spirit.



Our trip with A2S started with preparation through reading “The Girl with the Louding Voice” which highlights the struggles of women in Nigeria, the difficulties in changing one’s life course due to preset notions and rigors of society and the ways in which education in the end can pull people up through their challenges to allow them to develop agency and ultimately become a “girl with a louding voice”. This reading was harsh, horrifying and helped scratch the surface for me to see a piece of the life many people we encountered would have and be forced into… Through this time we also got a chance to meet with “Miss Erica and Mr. Dave” as well as Blessing and Happy (the two US scholars) who are wonderful humans we now get to call our friends through this experience…


In terms of the “Founder” (as Andrew is affectionately called!) …From the day our family won the lottery when Andrew married my incredible cousin Molly- I have been in awe of his compassion and dedication to making this world a better place. The mission of “sharing smiles, inspiring hope, empowering dreams” is truly a reality every day through A2S. As Tim and I learned of a small way we could engage with A2S to help and we were instantly drawn to the scholars who are overcoming barriers to success every day that are taller than most can climb in a lifetime… We kept saying we wanted to come on a trip and due to real life we were not able to until this year….


As we arrived in Nigeria there was a moment forever captured in my memory of Andrew going down the escalator in front of me with the sign “Welcome to Nigeria” right above him. I was filled with excitement to see his home and the incredibly difference he is making and it felt like a dream come true to join. I was filled with joy and love when the A2S team was awaiting our arrival at the airport! After a long journey- we were met with smiling faces and open arms of people we had only met on zoom! Then as we made our way to Benin City and arrived at the Youth Center I was simply blown away. It was so much bigger than I imaged it to be… and AMAZING!!!


The staff were full of life, full of compassion and committed to making each day the best it can be. As we met with various staff- I was in awe each day thinking “WHAT A TEAM”. For an example- as we served food to the children with the chefs… they would instruct us how much to put on each plate… and I realized she knew all 250 children and knew who needed more food as it is their only meal that day… etc…


At the youth center you cannot help but have a smile on your face. As you walk through the halls there is the sound of laughter, of singing and important conversations shaping the lives of children.

One of the most amazing things was seeing the joy on the kids faces when they not just walked, but ran into the youth center because they were so excited to be there! Many came early, just to find a book and a quiet, safe corner to read. It was clear how safe and loved they felt… At the youth center, I was also blown away by the curriculum and level of teaching they receive on every topic from wellness to coding! The goal is of course education, but it is also setting them up with the necessary skills to overcome anything life brings next…


Another striking feature was the way everyone spoke in front of a group and audience…proudly with a strong voice and a polished tone. Even the smallest children stand up tall with poise and looked you in the eyes when they spoke in a clear and confident manner.

The level of the staff at A2S was another big surprise. Their training and education far exceeds most I work with in the U.S. every day. They are committed to improving all the time and are exceptional humans. Tim and I were able to teach a wellness seminar that ended up being more of a “train the trainer” model and they were ready and able to adapt all ideas immediately… AMAZING!

The most incredible moment for Tim and I was when we got to meet our medical scholars IN PERSON!!! It has been such a joy getting to know them over the years… and Dorothy was the first medical school graduate who just graduated!!!! I am SO PROUD OF HER and all of them!!!

We spent a day at the refugee camp- which was sad beyond words and reminded me that many of them have gone through the darkest times in life- watching HORRIFYING things happen to other humans, their own families and people they love. As a small 5-year-old sat in front of me- she could not tell me the last time she ate…. My heart ached for them and it was the honor and pleasure of a lifetime to share a smile, inspire hope, and empower dreams with them…even if I could not fix all their struggles. As I showed love to this small child who just needed nutrition to fix the ache in her body… I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up…. And she looked up at me with the widest eyes and biggest smile and said “A doctor!”. I was instantly overcome with emotion, held both her shoulders, looked her in the eyes and with huge smile on my face I told her- “yes you are! And I am so proud of you!”. There were so many times at camp and throughout the week… and at every session where we meet with the A2S scholars that my soul receives so much more than I will ever be able to give to them…

Religion is a huge part of the culture in Nigeria and the soulful nature of the community is inspiring. Similar to the scenarios in the book we read- so many people struggled due the deck of cards they were dealt in life and have overcome many obstacles… and yet remain happy- truly happy. This was a topics of discussion during one the best sermons I have ever heard preached by a teenager at Pastor Ben’s church on Sunday- to let go of anger for it is not productive and will only weigh you down…. while life around them is heavy, their hearts are light and full of life through true forgiveness….

As we returned home I am filled with gratitude to be able to expand my view of the world and life far beyond others around me… and everything in my life was sharper and clearer than before… thanks to my new pair of lenses…

A2S is a shining example of the difference we can make in the world… and the ripple affect that has. It is a cause worthy of emulation…

With gratitude,
