What was Andrew like as a child?
He was a very intelligent child, and you could tell from the beginning that he had a bright future. He is very God-fearing. He is very caring and has the spirit of love…., you can see that in the way he treats his brothers and sisters. He was also very humble as a child. He was always very cool-headed and shied away from hot conversations or violence. He never engaged in trouble and always ran away from it. 

What values were essential for you to instill into his character?
I always wanted him to be a responsible child who behaved well with his family, friends, and society. He grew as a child of God from the beginning, and I desired this to be very evident in his character. I wanted him to model his life after our Lord and His will for his life. 

How did you feel when Andrew got offered a scholarship to study and play basketball in the U.S.
I was the happiest person on the planet. I never expected it, and it came as a shock to me. I knew he was going to school in the U.K., but my mind never went towards him being able to get that type of opportunity. 

As a mother to many, what breaks your heart? What encourages you?
I am encouraged when kids from homes with a balance of love and discipline behave well and are positive influences in society. My heart breaks when children miss opportunities or do not have opportunities. Being a witness to the environment and how kids lean into harmful social vices breaks my heart. 


What is the greatest lesson you have learned while being a mother?
As a mother, you have to be willing to embrace the community. I had to let Andrew go at a very young age. It was not easy, but along his travels, he has had so many other maternal figures who have influenced him positively. Understanding this has expanded our family significantly.

What is the greatest maternal challenge you’ve faced?
Bringing up the children single-handedly after my beloved husband passed on was my greatest challenge as a mother. But with God by my side, I was able to scale through. It is challenging as a mother when you wake up and are not sure you can answer to the needs or questions of your children. I thank God for his grace, strength, and provision.

What would you consider your greatest success as a mother?
To see my children doing well, loving on one another, and then giving back to society.

Is there any advice you would give new mothers?
I would advise them to be patient. You will need a lot of it in your marriage and in raising a family. All fingers are not equal, and they should be able to bring up the children in unison, having established the family values. Most importantly, God should be the constant in the equation. When all else fails, you have a patient and loving God who will not fail you. 

What would you say to those who wish to be mothers but are not?
It depends on why they cannot be mothers. I would say that they should trust in God and that with Him, all things are possible. God smiled at Sarah, and her story changed forever. 

What would you say to women who have supported Andrew along his journey
I want to thank them for all they have done and for being a fantastic part of our community. In my language, we say, “One person cannot raise a child. Children belong to everyone.” I am so thankful for his village that has been an extension of the very values we tried to instill in him from day one. So happy that his journey around the world has not changed him but rather even polished and strengthened his values. I am deeply grateful.