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So far Access2Success has created 202 blog entries.

Emily’s Summer Experience

The following post was originally written by our seminarian intern Emily written as a news letter to All Saints Episcopal Church. Growing up, I felt like I was at least a little bit taller than average. I was taller than [...]

Emily’s Summer Experience2024-04-18T18:04:53+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter August 2023

Meet Mrs. Sharon "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16 DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD   2022 was a fantastic year for us at Access to [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter August 20232024-04-18T18:04:49+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter July 2023

Jeffrey, a resilient child. "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." -Isaiah 40:29 DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD   Jeffrey lives near the Access to Success Youth Centre. One remarkable thing about Jeffrey is that [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter July 20232024-04-18T18:04:46+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter June 2023

Osariemen, a caring soul. "The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." -Exodus 14:14 DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD   I prepared to visit the Emopkae family on the third Sunday in May. However, I received a [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter June 20232024-04-18T18:04:43+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter May 2023

Marvellous has big dreams… “I want to become a veterinary doctor and also a medical doctor because I love animals and give them the best care.” DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD If your dream doesn't scare you, then it is not [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter May 20232024-04-18T18:04:39+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter March 2023

Meet Marvellous, our future medical doctor Marvellous is delighted to be a believer because he knows that God hears prayers and can meet all of our wants according to his abundance. DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD Meet Marvellous! He dreams of [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter March 20232024-04-18T18:04:32+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter February 2023

Meet Emmanuel, a future teacher "Attending the A2S Hoops for Hope Basketball and Empowerment Camps over the years has helped me increase my confidence level and up my game," - Emmanuel, A2S Scholar When you see Emmanuel, you have witnessed [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter February 20232024-04-18T18:04:29+00:00

FaithFuel Newsletter January 2023

Meet Evidence, the next Leonardo da Vinci “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.” Pslam 99:9 DOWNLOAD DIGITAL FAITHFUEL CARD Evidence Onuchukwu (means “God's mouthpiece”) is 12 years old [...]

FaithFuel Newsletter January 20232024-04-18T18:04:26+00:00
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