Aisosa as an A2S alumn who has started his own nonprofit in Kaduna State, You Can Foundation. In 2009, he met A2S co-founders Morgan Clark and Andrew Lovedale before A2S’s founding. He kept in touch after that first meeting and went on to be an A2S scholar and intern. Now with You Can Foundation he strives to give back in similar ways. We interviewed Aisosa to learn more about his experiences leading up to this latest accomplishment!


Q: What is something you learned from your time at A2S that you would want our current kids to know?

A: I learned some things about People Management. As Head Tutor Intern I was more involved at the After School Academy. I related with over 200 kids, drew the monthly schemes for the academy and managed the teachers and volunteers at the academy.  It was so awesome at the academy. A very high standard was set for me by my superiors; and they were always there to guide me.

During those times,  I never knew that I would serve over 200 youth as a leader. During the 3 week orientation camp at the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC), I didn’t know that I would work in a nonprofit as my primary place of assignment and be chosen to lead the team for the year. At the same time, I didn’t know that I would found a nonprofit and work with people I had never met before.

Most of the methodologies we’ve used came from what I learned from A2S. My time at A2S as a scholarship kid and intern has made some things less stressful, and has created a pathway for me and other people.

My advice is: Keep giving your time, talent, and whatever you have to  contribute to the works going on at A2S. Do so with the whole of your heart. It’s an opportunity for capacity enlargement.


Q: What led you to start You Can Foundation?

A: You Can Foundation was founded to give to others what I was graciously given by A2S- Love and opportunities.

I worked as a cleaner at a drink company for almost 2 years. I had dreams, but I had no idea how they would become a reality. I wanted to go to college. There’s nothing as crazy as being alive, and not knowing what to do with your life- living each day, as it comes.

Then A2S came in, offered me scholarship, and I studied History and International Studies at Ambrose Alli University. During my holidays, I would join the staff and volunteers at the After School Academy to serve the kids.

After I graduated, I was absorbed as Head Tutor Intern at the Academy. I interned for about 11 months before moving to Kaduna for my National Youth Service Corps in Kaduna state.

My years with A2S really shaped me. A2S has given me what to live for, and finds a way to continue the work from where we would stop.

There are so many young people in Kaduna state who are in the same condition that I was in, years ago. As You Can Foundation continues to find grace, we will do everything it take to graciously give them love and opportunities. Founding You Can was also a way for people to be involved in lighting the candles of others.

We started at the heat of COVID 19 to respond to hunger in Kaduna state. We started reaching out, to give food items to poor children at the orphanage. Today, we have extended our monthly Food Giving Program to hungry single mothers and their children.


Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your story?

A: Something else to share about my story? I just want to say thank you to the National Director, ASA Director, the Head Tutor, the Scholarship Coordinator, and the entire Nigeria team for the hospitality, love, patience, and all they taught me. God bless them. I love them.


Thanks, Aisosa, for your time and your amazing work with You Can Foundation! The A2S team is so proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. We love you!