Marvellous has big dreams…“I want to become a veterinary doctor and also a medical doctor because I love animals and give them the best care.” |
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If your dream doesn’t scare you, then it is not big enough. Marvelous, our FaithFuel kid wants to be a foreign-trained professional veterinary doctor, a renowned furniture maker, and an astute investor! He wants more young people to be hungry for creativity and integrity. This is the kind of world that our Marvellous envisions. |
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Our 18-year-old champ is a senior at the After School Academy. Despite his C- grades, he is a well-behaved student and a role model to others. He strives to be outstanding in all his dealings. Marvellous is an enthusiastic student who is eager to learn new things, such as assisting his father in the furniture workshop. His favorite subject is mathematics, and he enjoys doing calculations, but accounting is a topic he dislikes, which is not a major concern because he is adept at managing his finances and would like to invest money in the future. Marvellous is empowered at the A2S After School Academy to improve his life choices with an improved curriculum designed to educate students for the future of work. He is certain that he is fast becoming computer literate and can now use WordPress to develop web pages and websites. He does not have a personal computer, but he has access to a computer and free internet access at the Color ID ICT Centre at the A2S Youth Centre and he is so grateful for the opportunity. |
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As the third of four children, he has two brothers, Desmond and Kelvin, and one sister, Abigail. He loves his siblings and seeks to make his family proud. Though he is older and bigger now, he cannot forget when his big brother Desmond protected him from bullying from other street boys. Being so helpful at home has made Marvellous his parents’ delight, as he contributes significantly to the daily household tasks of getting water for the house, sweeping, and cleaning the large coolers used by his mother for selling food at a public school. Marvellous is overjoyed when his mother assists at the After School Academy in preparing his favorite food, beans porridge. He also enjoys it when his family gets together for dinner and they watch comedy-themed movies on their cable TV. Marvellous appreciates that his neighborhood has electricity, but when it rains, there are puddles of stagnant water that attract mosquitoes. |
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In the midst of the state’s growing fraud problem, Marvellous doesn’t want anything to do with it. As a child of God, he understands how fraud offends God, his family, and the country. He believes that God has the capacity to help us grow like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads its roots by the river and does not fear when heat comes; yet its leaf will be green, and it will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will it quit giving fruit. Marvellous understands how to seek God’s supernatural strength in order to achieve success and not to look down on anyone because no one knows tomorrow. He is happy to have Andrew Lovedale, founder and president of Access to Success, because of his humble beginnings, unlike others who achieve sudden success with no tangible roots. |
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Marvellous hopes to give back to his community in the future by making good roads and improving literacy. He also prays for today’s youth that they will shun dishonest living and instead walk toward peace.
Your monthly giving and prayers through FaithFuel help so many like Marvellous accomplish their dreams at Access to Success. Thank you! |
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Our Youth Center has room for 300 After School Academy students. Before we can welcome an additional 60 children to the program, we want to ensure our existing 240 students are completely cared for through FaithFuel. We’re almost there! Monthly giving currently caters to the needs of 220 children at A2S. Did you know $45 a month supports a child at the After School Academy? If you’re able, please consider raising your FaithFuel gift today. |