Reach for the Stars: Bela’s Story
My Dearest FaithFuel Community,
I must first appreciate your continuous enthusiasm towards our communities. It has been a delight to have you journey with me to discover the unheard melodies around us. I am much obliged to unravel these untold stories of our champions.
This month, we journey from the Youth Center into the rusty old road of the second market (popularly called “New Market”) in the area. My companion and I were left with the question, “What story will we find and what awaits our curiosity?”
In a brown painted house, built in the old fashioned style a few meters away from the road, we find this month’s featured child. Bela is a beautiful, resilient young lady. In her short 18 years, she has had her moments of triumph and tribulations. She loves to introduce herself as “Bela with a single L”.

Bela joined the After School Academy in the year 2019, after her father, Mr. Taiwo heard about the things that A2S was doing for kids like her in Benin.
In his words, “I am a friend of the eldest brother of Mr. Andrew. I didn’t know anything about A2S, but I knew the family. So when I heard about A2S, I made up my mind to ensure my kids were part of what A2S was doing for our community. I got home and I announced that my kids will start attending Gospel Life Church, (the church whose basement A2S had the After School Academy) to get information on when they will be admitting new kids. My children wrote the entrance examination and two out of three of my kids passed”, he explained.
After further review of their applications, Bela and one of her brothers were accepted into the program.
Bela has two brothers, who were closely attached to her, until one fateful day that changed their lives completely.
In March 2023, after a brief illness, Bela lost her mother to the cold hands of death. It was a devastating time of their lives. Bela felt her life had come to a standstill. She withdrew to herself and was no longer as close to people as she was.
Luckily for Bela, the A2S community was there to help. While it can be hard to find grief support in the school system, our staff stepped in to ensure Bela could weather the storm. She shared how our Youth Center Director, Aunty Fustina, After School Academy Director, Mrs. Elimigbe, and Head of Library, Aunty Michelle, stepped in in particular to help her process.
“When I lost my Mum, I didn’t even know what to do. I felt I needed to be more serious. I am sincerely grateful to the A2S family. They were there for me: Aunty Fustina, Mrs. Elimigbe, and most especially Aunty Michelle. She was a strong source of support for me, she guided me through that phase. She will always talk to me and pray with me. When I am tired I tell her, we will have a long talk, and I always feel better at the end of each session with her. She helped me a lot spiritually,” Bela shared.
Her younger brother Joel also shared with us how Bela’s lonely moment affected them, “She always played with us before, but now she just stopped and will stay on her own”, he said.
Bela considered her change as something that came with maturity and the need to take responsibility. Our guidance counselor, Sarah, is constantly working to get resources for children like Bela when they experience grief.
At the After School Academy, Bela continues to work towards her future despite tragedy. Bela and her brother Joel have a knack for the computer classes at the Color ID ICT center and they both dedicate their time to learning more about coding. Their classes are currently focused on learning Python, a complicated language in the coding world.
When asked to share one unique thing about herself, Bela said, she isn’t someone who loses easily. Whenever she sets her goals, she always ensures she gets them done.
Bela’s wish is to pass her exams and have the right grades that will admit her into medical school. She also mentioned that she is growing to discover her purpose as each day brings her closer to it. She wants to be prepared for it.
As I walked out of Bela’s house, a flash of realization of how much of a vacuum resides in our lives, and how much other people’s little impact fills this vacuum. God indeed connects us to fill spaces in the lives of people we come across. It is inspiring to see how Bela is becoming a Godly steward at A2S despite hard times.
So, my FaithFuel family, I hope Bela’s story inspires you just as much as it has inspired me. I look forward to when next I will be writing to you, I promise not to keep you waiting.
With Love,
A2S Communications Coordinator
Catching Up with Chidinma
By Laura Knight, A2S Development Manager
I love getting to visit our FaithFuel families during our annual Vision Trips. It is a wonderful privilege to be invited into a family’s home for some time to get to know one another and pray together.
Visiting Chidinma was extra special for me as Omotayo had shared with me how impacted she felt after visiting the family for her interview. Having worked with children with various learning delays myself, her story struck a special place in my heart as well.
If you’ll remember, when our team found Chidinma, at the age of 9 she had barely had the chance to sit in the four walls of a classroom. This was unusual to our team seeing that she had both parents present in the household. Despite two working parents, it has been hard for the family to make ends meet, meaning that they could not afford to send Chidinma to school.
When Tayo first interviewed the family, she was unable to arrange a time when the father would be present because he spends so many long hours selling items on the street. I was surprised and honored to see him there when we visited last month. I sat there in their home in awe of what he sacrificed that day just to meet us.
This year Chidinma’s mom won one of the A2S grants to support her business, and because of how that’s helped her grow, Chidinma is now in school. She has attended the A2S After School Academy since 2022.
With this much delay from missing school, it was clear that Chidinma was shy to speak with us. I loved this moment where Vision Trip volunteer Frank broke the ice by showing her the brochure our team had made with her story. By then she smiled and began to share more. Her parents looked on with great pride.
Then we had this moment.
For two years now we have been presenting families with photos when we do these FaithFuel visits. It’s something so small to us- I know I personally have tons of photos around my house- but its so big for these families who spend all their time and energy on making ends meet.
Chidinma’s father looked at the photo, and then his eyes immediately shot up to the wall. Within thirty seconds he was here, hanging it up.
Vision Trip volunteer Cassie just so happens to be a portrait photographer. Before we left, she made sure to take some new family photos including the father. I can’t wait to make sure we get a new one printed and sent to Chidinma and her family as well.
All this to say, moments like these make me so grateful for you all. As a member of our FaithFuel community, you sustain children like Chidinma each day. We know at A2S the journey is long, and we are just so blessed to have you consistently investing in the bright futures of our kids.
With Love and Gratitude,
Laura Knight
FaithFuel stories are shared as a part of our monthly giving program that is now supporting all 250 After School Academy kids at A2S. To learn more or to update your profile, visit our website here or email
“Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
-Psalm 115:109