By Doug Eichhorn, 2016 Team Member
Today has been a wonderful day experiencing the A2S family from start to finish. We were able to spend the day with the Nigerian team in their homes and at the last day of the Bible camp. This morning we were able to see nine homes from the A2S family; some were staff and some were the homes of our students. I want to say thank you to the families of Brother Festus (Odua), the Pridoy family, the Edobur family, the Obazee family, Brother Abel Llimigse, the Aghahuwa family, the Omonuwa family and the Ogbeide family. Some really great moments included when Andrew was able to FaceTime with Jennifer back in the states while we were standing with her mom and brothers and sisters, or when Abel’s children shared that the white board was to do their studies at home (their mom is the head tutor at the After School Academy, and it shows in her children’s studies).
Each family was incredibly gracious inviting us into their homes and sharing a view into the lives of the children we serve each day. Their stories are just an incredible testimony of wanting to provide more for their children; we were able to meet widows who sacrifice to make sure that the children are at the After School Academy, a mother who sent her daughter across the Atlantic to the U.S. to study, staff members who not only invest in their children but into their communities by working with children each day. The team said that the homes we visited would be the talk of the neighborhood because of the “foreigners” that were there, but I can assure you that we will be the ones talking about today for a long time! Every family needs a home of their own, and today we were able to see the land where the new A2S Academy will be located. It is a great big space to providing plenty of area for class rooms and play space. We are fortunate to have the land as it is a scarce resource within the city.
After a quick lunch we were on to the final day of Bible camp. Today’s session was run and performed by the children, and it was awesome. A chorus of elementary children sang a worship song and then we had the middle school youth do a series of solos. Next came an incredible display of bible verse memorization from four young ladies. They went for about 10 minutes, and the winner must have recited over 20 verses, it was very impressive to witness. The children started dancing and soon Gina, Anna, Brianna, Riley and Jack were joining in. The children loved being on the dance floor with the U.S. team and being picked up by them. The dancing and praising was awesome to watch and enjoy; the children kept coming over to visit with Greg and I as we were taking pictures of the dancing. Afterwards Andrew gave a closing message to the children on having an attitude of gratitude and living out their faith each day. They are the light of God in the world and should see themselves as that each day. Striving to do their best at home and school, listening to their parents and living their faith.
A great day of being with our extended A2S family, getting to know them better, and serving with them as we loved on the children together. As Andrew said today, “WE” are A2S!