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To schedule Andrew Lovedale or a member of A2S to share their stories at an upcoming event or meeting, please contact Liz Fetzer at lizfetzer@a2sfoundation.org.
James’ A2S Story
https://youtu.be/TfYmtw25OMQ We caught up with James Momoh of St. James Farms, 2017 A2S Pitch Competition winner, A2S mentor, and an [...]
Shedrach’s 2020 A2S Story
https://youtu.be/qiyegRE6vG4 Shedrach started his work with A2S as a volunteer during the 2018 vision trip where he served with great [...]
Osasogie’s 2020 A2S Story
https://youtu.be/8rIMBeyA6Nw Osasogie is an A2S After School Academy kid. He's ten years old and dreams of becoming a lawyer so [...]
Peace’s 2020 A2S Story
https://youtu.be/d0QqUQqPAik Peace is a talented young lady. This A2S After School Academy kid strives to do well in everything she [...]
A Look Back at 10 Years – Clair Asbury Lennox
I can't believe that it's been nearly ten years since I traveled to Nigeria in June of 2011 with the [...]
To my host father, from your host daughter…
Tell me a little bit about your host family. My host family is Andrew and Molly Lovedale. They have two [...]