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To schedule Andrew Lovedale or a member of A2S to share their stories at an upcoming event or meeting, please contact Liz Fetzer at lizfetzer@a2sfoundation.org.
Christy Chilton
Written by: Christy Chilton Where to start. I knew coming on this trip our days would be packed end to [...]
Will Worsley
Written by: Will Worsley Hey America – we made it! The first day or so in Nigeria has been wonderful, [...]
Campbell Worsley
Written by: Campbell Worsley I went into this day stressed, mostly about my VBS station, which I felt was lacking [...]
July 1, 2018
What a sweet, sweet time meeting new friends and growing stronger with long-time friends. Traveling and spending time together builds [...]
Jafar Musa
Written by: Jafar Musa, A2S US Scholarship Student Part of our norm during this mission trip is to always start [...]