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To schedule Andrew Lovedale or a member of A2S to share their stories at an upcoming event or meeting, please contact Liz Fetzer at lizfetzer@a2sfoundation.org.
Trip Update: Uche’s Return Home
It started with a safe trip from Lagos from to Benin. We went out for lunch and you could see [...]
Mark’s Pre-Trip Blog
I'm excited to take part in this mission trip in order to give back and pay it forward to my [...]
Greg’s Pre-Trip Blog
This week I was contemplating the upcoming A2S Mission Trip to Benin City, Nigeria that we'll take in late June [...]
Anna’s Pre-Trip Blog
Here I am, on my way back to Nigeria again this year. After my experiences from last year’s trip, I [...]
Jennifer’s Pre-Trip Blog
I'm really excited to go back home considering the fact it's my first time going back since I left, and [...]
Wisdom’s Pre-Trip Blog
I'm going back to my home country to take another huge step in accomplishing my dreams! Coming to the US [...]