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To schedule Andrew Lovedale or a member of A2S to share their stories at an upcoming event or meeting, please contact Liz Fetzer at lizfetzer@a2sfoundation.org.
Lindsay’s Pre-Trip Blog
You know how you have that place where when you pass by something familiar, it just feels like you’re almost [...]
Juliet’s Pre-Trip Blog
My names are Esadah Onome Juliet. I am 18 years old and a native of Urhobo from Warri, Delta State, [...]
Justice’s Pre-Trip Blog
In preparation for my trip back home, I have been thinking in retrospect for what this past year held for [...]
Kristina’s Pre-Trip Blog
It is almost time for my first international trip and I am so excited for this opportunity. I have never [...]
Jafar Sets The Bar High
Jafar, A2S’s first student to receive a scholarship to pursue an American high school and college education, recently graduated college [...]
Jennifer Overcomes Obstacles
Jennifer had never left her home community before A2S gave her the opportunity to continue her studies in the United [...]