Do you ever just take a moment to look at your feet? Every day, most of us, in this country, go through some kind of routine to put protection on our feet, in the form of shoes and socks or sandals.

These days, I’m trying to get healthy, so I only wear my comfy Birkenstocks 5 of the 7 days of the week…Just kidding. I wear my Birks every day, but at times, I will put on tennis shoes. I have a decent pair of athletic shoes that I wear when I work out, and any hygienic person knows that you put socks on when you wear tennis shoes, otherwise the sweat from your feet will cause blisters or even worse, the stanky feet smell that is impossible to get out of shoes (if you know tricks, I welcome your suggestions).

This morning, I got my shower, put my clothes on, and reached in a large drawer full of socks. All kinds of socks…..decorative ones, warm ones, high performance ones, no shows,….There was such a selection of socks that I couldn’t quite find the perfect pair until finally….finally I saw a pair of bright pink Feetures socks…..I stopped. Grabbed the pink socks and was immediately taken back to my trip to Nigeria last year.

You see, Feetures is an amazing organization that creates high performance socks for feet in motion. Not only are their socks the happiest things my feet have ever worn, but, even cooler, they also partner with Access to Success and donate socks every year for our Basketball and Empowerment camp, for our Community Outreach programs and for our After School Academy. They’ve donated thousands and thousands of socks to cover and protect the feet of those we serve in Nigeria.

In our society, socks are a dime a dozen…a fashion…a luxury…we are overwhelmed with choices and options, but honestly, have you ever just taken a moment to think about what socks do? Have you ever just stopped and taken a zen-like moment to acknowledge the covering on your feet?…the comfort?

This year, as I prepare to go back to Nigeria for our Basketball and Empowerment camp, I’m eager to pay better attention to feet….Not only to my feet, but also the beautiful feet of those who are coming to learn and play. As we get ready to join our Nigerian family in facilitating camp, I want to intentionally assume a posture of gratitude for our donors, such as Feetures, and for the outpouring of blessings that allow us to put so many Nigerian “feet in motion”.

So, look down. Take a look at your feet today. Pray, as you think about the places your feet have taken you, the places they will soon take you….pray that those who come to camp this summer might know what it means to dream. That they would understand our theme of being an Ambassador of Change within their community and the world around them. Pray that their feet would not only be clothed with wonderful socks, but that the youth in Nigeria would understand how to put those socks in motion and create a lasting change within their own communities.

I also challenge you to praise. Praise God for the generous people in your life, like Feetures, who provide comfort and protection and kindness that goes beyond anything we can put to words. The reach of the generous cannot be bound or limited, and that is something to be grateful for.


To learn more about how you can support the work of Access to Success and our 2019 Vision Trip, please visit