Entry by: Chris Dunn
A2S Board Member & 2018 Mission Team Member

The world is shrinking. Not in an Inconvenient Truth type of way, nor in the Flat Earth, Kyrie Irving way. The world is shrinking in a FaceGram, Instabook, SnapGram way. Follows, likes and shares are the new way relationships are judged near and far. We feel that we know people like, @stephencurry30, @davidsonmbb or @BarackObama simply because of our glimpses into their lives shared on social media. We are drawn to follow those we have a shared interest, admire or even aspire to emulate.

What if we looked at it another way? What if the first verified social media account was Jesus? What if we followed him? Shared his interest. Admired him. Aspired to live his calling.

Matthew 4:19 notes, “Come Follow Me, Jesus said, and I will send you to fish for people”.

As A2S Board Members, we are challenged to share our A2S story. The easy answer for my story as a Davidson Alumni, I was energized with pride during the 2008 Elite Eight run. I was intrigued by the stories of Stephen Curry, Bryant Barr, Thomas Sander and the Big Cat [Andrew Lovedale]. I learned about Andrew’s collection of team gear at the end of each season to share with his fellow countrymen.

In what surely is the greatest collaboration of UNC Alumni and Davidson Alumni, I met with Morgan Clark, Lauren Biggers, Martin McCann and Andrew Lovedale and created the 1st Kicks for Cats.

The deeper dive into my A2S story is following God’s Plan. Why would I be stirred to action upon reading about Andrew’s desire to improve the lives of others? How could a shoe drive become a foundation impacting a generation of youth in Nigeria providing real access to opportunity otherwise unimagined? God’s Plan.

“Come Follow Me, and I will send you to fish for people”.

The next step in God’s Plan for my A2S story is a journey to Nigeria. I will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the fruits of the last nine years of work.

I am nervous. My arm is sore from vaccines. I know that I will experience sensory overload. I will be in a land far from home with sights, sounds, smells and emotions very much different from my normal.

I am excited. I will get to experience Andrew’s world. I will witness his passion for his people, in his land, on his time, well, African Time. I will see the faces of young people brighten at the sight of Andrew and our team. I will participate in the universal language of Sport. Competing, coaching and cheering my new teammates.

I will visit with my Faith Fuel Family (https://a2sfoundation.org/faith-fuel). I will be able to look into their eyes and see the hopes, dreams and goals that we have both prayed for from afar. My world will shrink.

Finally, time will pass quicker than I could imagine and I will leave Nigeria and return home. I will leave with new friends, new dreams and new hope for A2S. I will be assured by Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”.

Chris Dunn